Myanmar junta continues to lose troops, bases in 5 days of resistance attacks

The Myanmar junta lost more bases and dozens more troops over the past five days as People’s Defense Force groups (PDFs) and ethnic armed organizations (EAOs) stepped up attacks on regime targets across the country, The Irrawaddy reports.
Incidents were reported in Rakhine, Kachin, Shan and Karenni (Kayah) states and Magwe and Sagaing regions.
The Irrawaddy has collected the following reports of significant attacks from PDFs and EAOs.
Some military casualties could not be independently verified.
Strategic junta base seized after 21 days of attacks in Rakhine
Ethnic Rakhine armed group the Arakan Army (AA) said it seized a strategic junta base in Hta Ron Ai in Paletwa Township, Chin State on Tuesday after 21 days of attacks amid heavy junta air strikes and shelling.
The attack was conducted as part of the ongoing Operation 1027 launched in late October by the Brotherhood Alliance of the AA, the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army and the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA).
The AA accused junta forces of using chemical weapons in their unsuccessful bid to defend the base. Many regime forces were killed and weapons and ammunition were seized along with the base.
The AA said there were also resistance casualties.
Fierce clashes continue in northern Shan
A resistance fighter of the Ta’ang National Liberation Army is seen on the front line. / TNLA
Intense clashes were reported in northern Shan State on Tuesday as the TNLA attacked regime bases in Namkham, Hsipaw, Kyaukme and Kutkai townships as part of Operation 1027.
The junta responded with heavy shelling and air strikes to defend its bases, the TNLA said.
Junta air defense radar station seized in Kachin
Powerful ethnic armed organization the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and PDF groups jointly attacked and occupied a junta air defense radar station on a hilltop near Bi Lu town in Mohnyin Township, Kachin State early on Tuesday morning, according to local media reports.
During the raid, resistance forces conducted drone strikes against regime forces at the station, a resistance member told a Kachin media outlet.
Junta base seized in Karenni
Karenni resistance groups killed 10 regime soldiers and arrested nine during a raid on the Pon Chaung miliary base after three days of attacks in Shadaw Township, Karenni State, according to local media reports.
The resistance groups launched the attack on the junta base last Friday and seized it along with regime forces who were attempting to flee, according to media reports citing the resistance groups.
Police station burned in Magwe
Five regime soldiers and two police officers were killed and 15 regime forces were injured in Seikphyu Township, Magwe Region on Tuesday when over a dozen PDF battalions raided the Kan Zun Ma Police Station, said Seikphyu Barmahtee PDF, which coordinated the attack.
After occupying the junta police station, resistance forces burned some buildings there. However, the resistance groups were forced to retreat from the police station when regime reinforcements arrived in the area.
Regime targets bombed in Sagaing
Wild Tiger PDF group said it and six other resistance groups used drones to drop two 60-mm mortar bombs on regime forces at the entrance to Shwebo town, Sagaing Region on Tuesday afternoon.
On that night, the combined PDF groups also dropped two drone bombs on the bases of pro-regime Pyu Saw Htee militia groups in the pro-military village of Pan Yan in the town.
The group also said it used drones to drop 10 bombs on pro-junta Pyu Saw Htee militia forces in Thee Lone, another pro-military village in Shwebo Township, over three days from Dec. 1 to 3.
Details of regime casualties were unknown.