459 Rohingya taken to Kutupalong camp in two phases


A total of 273 Rohingyas were taken to Kutupalong Transit Camp in Ukhiya upazila of the district from the conflicting Tumbru border under Ghumdhum union of Naikhongchhari upazila of Bandarban on Monday (Feb 6).

With this, 459 Rohingyas have so far taken to the transit camp in two phases, from those who entered recently fleeing conflict in Tumbru border.

The transformation of the Rohingyas from Ghumdhum to the camp was opened in the presence of Refugee, Relief and Repatriation Commissioner Md Mizanur Rahman Chowdhury.

He said the 273 Rohingyas belonging to 53 families, who were taken to the transit camp, will be sent to several camps after verifying their registrations.

The commissioner said the law enforcing agencies will be informed about the Rohingyas who have records of criminal activities.

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