Army Chief exchanges Eid greetings with army personnel at remote camps in Khagrachhari


Bangladesh Army Chief General SM Shafiuddin Ahmed has visited various remote camps in Khagrachhari on the occasion of the holy Eid al-Adha, and exchanged Eid greetings and pleasantries with the army personnel.

As the army chief reached Baghaihat zone at 12 noon on Sunday, July 10, he was received by Major General Md Saiful Abedin, General Officer Commanding (GOC) of 24th Infantry Division, and Brigadier General Md Jahangir Alam, Commander, Khagrachhari Region.

During the visit, he said, “The Bangladesh Army is performing its duty at various places at home and abroad. Of the stations in the country, those in the Chittagong Hill Tracts are difficult and risky. “

“The army carries out its duty during any crisis of the country. And those who do their duty in the hill tracts not only suffer but also risk their lives. I am happy to stand by them on the holy day of Eid and it is also a matter of luck. ’

The Army Chief said, “It is my firm belief that the morale of the army personnel in charge of security in the hill tracts will increase as they see me and others at the army headquarters. They will deeply believe, no matter how difficult a place they are at, their guardians, their leaders remember them and stand by them whenever needed. We should stand by those who work hardest for their family. That’s what we believe. Today, I am standing by our army members in the hill tracts from that philosophy.”

“The army personnel are working for the security of the country in the remote areas of the hill tracts leaving their families behind. Our arrival will alleviate their suffering to some extent.”

Responding to a question by a Parbatta News correspondent on the activities of armed groups in the hill tracts, Army Chief SM Shafiuddin Ahmed said, “Today is not meant for briefings on our operations and other duties. Today I have come to exchange Eid greetings. Eid greetings to you and Eid greetings to the countrymen through you.”

Speaking about the expansion of the tourism industry in the hill tracts, the Army Chief said, “The army will do anything that is good for the people and the government. The army has done it before and it still does. But we will always be careful that nothing unplanned happens. If there is a chance to do anything under the overall plan, we will do it accordingly.”

Responding to a question from Parbatta News about the rehabilitation of 26,000 families living in cluster villages in the hill tracts, he said, “I can’t say for how long. But the government is serious about it. Sincere efforts are going on at the government level. It will be implemented in due course of time.”

While visiting Baghaihat Zone and Pangkhowa Para camp, he planted saplings. He also attended a feast on the occasion of Eid with the army personnel in Dighinala Zone.

During his visit, GOC of 24th Infantry Division Major General Md Saiful Abedin and Military Secretary at the Army Headquarters Major General Khaled Al-Mamun, among others, were present.

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