Myanmar junta loses town, dozens of troops in five days of Resistance attacks

The Myanmar junta lost one more town and over two dozen troops in the past five days as People’s Defense Force groups (PDFs) and ethnic armed organizations (EAOs) stepped up attacks on regime targets across the country, reports The Irrawaddy.
Incidents were reported in Shan, Chin and Rakhine states and Mandalay and Sagaing regions.
The Irrawaddy has collected the following reports of significant attacks from PDFs and EAOs.
Some military casualties could not be independently verified.
One more town seized by TNLA in northern Shan
The Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) claimed to have taken complete control of Mongngaw town in Kyaukme Township, northern Shan on Sunday night after attacking junta bases—including a strategic one—a police station and other junta-run government offices in the town for three days.
In its failed attempted to defend the town, the junta conducted heavy bombardments using aircraft and artillery shelling.
The attacks were part of the ongoing Operation 1027 offensive being conducted by the Brotherhood Alliance of three ethnic armies including the TNLA.
On Tuesday, fierce clashes between TNLA and junta forces were reported in Kutkai and Nawnghkio townships. During the clashes, the junta used aircraft to bomb the resistance forces.
Junta forces also randomly shelled villages in Lashio Township.
Junta bases attacked, seized in Chin, Rakhine
The Brotherhood Alliance of three ethnic armies said its member the Arakan Army (AA) managed to seize the junta’s Kha Maung Wa base in Paletwa Township, Chin State on Tuesday.
The AA has also been engaged in intense operations attempting to seize the strategic junta base of Tinn Ma in Kyauktaw Township, Rakhine State. The junta used aircraft to defend the base.
The AA has widened Operation 1027 into Rakhine, attacking junta bases across the state since Nov. 13.
More regime forces killed in simultaneous attacks by PDFs in Mandalay
Twelve pro-junta Pyu Saw Htee militia members were killed and many injured in Myingyan Township, Mandalay Region on Saturday when 19 resistance groups jointly raided regime forces stationed at Nyaung To Village, said Anyar Federal Task Force (AFTF), which joined the attacks.
After an hour of fighting, the remaining junta soldiers and militia members fled to nearby Sin Chaung Village, where junta camps are located. The PDF groups chased and attacked the fleeing regime forces and destroyed bunkers and camps in Sin Chaung.
At the same time, other resistance fighters raided junta bases in Kyar Taing Village on the Myingyan-Semekhone Road, killing two regime forces and injuring others.
After the raid, the resistance groups continued to drop drone bombs on a junta base in Taw Pu Village, killing three more soldiers, said AFTF.
Regime bases attacked in a Mandalay town
Natogyi PDF group claimed to have killed five junta soldiers and three police officers as its resistance fighters attacked a township police station and regime forces stationed at a junta-controlled government Construction Department office in Natogyi town, Mandalay Region on Sunday.
There were no resistance casualties.
Junta bases bombarded by resistance drones in Sagaing
At least four military officers were seriously injured in Yinmabin Township, Sagaing Region on Sunday morning when a joint resistance group used makeshift remote-controlled airplanes to drop nine bombs on the junta-run township General Administration Department office in Yinmabin town, said Salingyi Special Task Force (SSTF), which coordinated the attack.
On the same night, the resistance groups also dropped drone bombs on regime forces holding a New Year’s party in the town of Pale nearby.
Last Friday, the PDF groups also conducted drone strikes on the township police station and the township General Administration Department office in Pale town.
The next day, the PDF groups dropped nine drone bombs on the township police station and regime forces stationed at the township hall in the town of Salingyi, SSTF said.
Resistance groups bombard police HQ, regime bases in Sagaing
The PDF group Brother Defense Force said it and other resistance groups used over thirty 60-mm improvised mortar bombs to attack the junta’s Combat Police Battalion 28 and another junta base in Yinmabin Township, Sagaing Region on Sunday evening.
Regime forces randomly responded with 60-mm and 120-mm mortar rounds as well as machine guns.