Padma Bridge to emerge as boon for Rakhine’s weaving industry


The weaving products made by woman-weaver in ‘Rakhine Indigenous Communities’ in Barguna district will be flourished across the country rapidly following the opening of the long-cherished Padma Bridge.

Woman weavers in Rakhine Community have expressed their optimism that the economic activities of their self-made products including sheets, shirt pieces, bags, saree, lungi, towel and many more will be enhanced due to smooth connectivity for the dream project “Padma Bridge” that is to be inaugurated on June 25.

The bridge will ensure smooth road connectivity and all products of the Rakhine woman-weaver, which are appreciated all over the country including the southern region, can be marketed easily to anywhere.

There are more than hundred handlooms in Barguna’s Rakhine inhabited tourist spots including Taltali Para, Chhatan Para, Manukhe Para, Agathakur Para, Saudagar Para of Nishanbaria Union, Talukdar Para and Kabiraj Para of Sonakata Union, Namise Para, Laupara and Ankujan Para.

Although the demand for Rakhine handicrafts made from weaving with different colors and yarns imported from Myanmar is not high throughout the year.

However, there is a huge demand during the winter and the holy Eid seasons.

In continuation of that, Rakhine women weavers are hoping that this seasonal economic activity will continue throughout the year from now on due to the blessing of the newly constructed Padma Bridge.

Usit Mong of Agathakur Para in Taltoli upazila said that Rakhine families depended on weaving cloth once. The value of handloom product increases if they (Rakhine families) do the weaving business commercially but the product has limited buyers, she said.

Due to limited number of buyers and demand, the products cannot be marketed or exported properly, she added.

With the blessings of the Padma Bridge along with the better communication system, she hoped that the products of the Rakhine families will be more popularized in the coming days.

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