Myanmar Army veterans to be conscripted back into service

Rules which oblige ex-servicemen who have left the armed forces within the last five years to return to the army if they are summoned, were implemented on 10 March 2024, Mizzima reports.

The Reserve Force Rules were brought in by the State Peace and Development Council (SPDC), but never implemented. The junta announced that they would be implemented from 10 March 2024.

Under the law, brought in by the State Peace and Development Council (SPDC), but never implemented, military veterans who left the service in the last five years must return to the army if asked and serve up to five years more. This period could also be extended by the Commander-in-Chief.

At a meeting with representatives of political parties held on 13 February, junta leader Min Aung Hlaing said that only veterans who are fit and suitable will be recalled. But, it is not clear yet whether all veterans who are deemed fit enough to serve will be recalled or whether only a certain number of them will be recalled.

On 16 February the junta formed the Central Body for Mobilising the Reserve Force and appointed Min Aung Hlaing as its chairman.

Min Aung Hlaing also chairs the Myanmar War Veterans Organisation. It had over 91,600 members and over 161,000 auxiliary members nationwide as of September 2021, according to its website.

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