Army distributes relief goods to flood victims in Dighinala


Relief materials have been distributed among families affected by the flood, thanks to the proactive efforts of the Army in Khagrachhari’s Dighinala upazila.

Captain Hasnain Alvi from the Dighinala zone inaugurated a relief distribution program at the Shantipur High School grounds in Kabakhali Union No. 3 of the Upazila on the morning of Saturday, August 12th.

During the distribution, Dhanvi Chakma (55) expressed that their houses had been submerged in the floodwaters, leaving them without access to food.

Nolej Chakma, Chairman of Kabakhali Union Parishad No. 3, stated that the army provided relief assistance to over fifty flood-affected families in the Shantipur area.

Also present was Knowledge Chakma, Chairman of Kabakhali Union Parishad No. 3.

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