Kaptai Sena Zone celebrates Victory Day, honours freedom fighters


The Victory Day celebrations, organized by the Kaptai Army Zone (Atal 56), were held with great fervor as they honoured the valiant freedom fighters for their bravery.

On the afternoon of Saturday, 16th December, at Shaheed Afzal Hall, a special ceremony was conducted. Here, 14 distinguished freedom fighters were recognized for their heroic contributions in an event hosted by Atal 56.

Lieutenant Colonel Noor Ullah Jewel, PSC, the commander of the Kaptai Army Zone, personally bestowed the honours upon these freedom fighters. In a solemn gesture, he also paid homage to all the valiant freedom fighters who have passed away.

The event was well-attended, with various department and divisional heads from Kaptai, along with esteemed freedom fighters, army officers, soldiers, and members of the press. The day’s proceedings concluded with a banquet held in honor of all attendees.

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