UPDF-JSS fierce gun battle erupts in Rangamati


Armed members of the United Peoples Democratic Front (UPDF-Prasit) and the Jana Samhati Samiti (JSS-Santu), the two largest regional parties, fought a fierce gun battle in the North Bengaltali area, about 16 kilometers from Rangamati’s Baghaichhari upazila headquarters.

The firing started at 5:50 p.m. on Sunday (February 12) and continued for about 45 minutes.

Villagers said that both sides fired approximately 300 to 350 rounds of bullets. The loud sound of gunshots spread panic throughout the area.

Baghaichhari Police Station Officer-in-Charge (OC) Shahadat Hossain confirmed the incident and said, “We have received news from the local UP chairman. As the area was remote and dusk was approaching, no accurate casualty figures could be ascertained immediately.

Meanwhile, UPDF Sajek Region Coordinator Argent Chakma confirmed the incidents, claiming that 30 armed JSS cadres opened fire on UPDF activists without provocation.

Tridip Chakma, the leader of JSS-Santu, could not be reached despite several attempts on the phone.

Baghaichhari Upazila Nirbahi Officer Rumana Akhter said that the movement of regional parties has increased in the Bengaltali area for quite some time. As a result, the surveillance of the security forces has increased.

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